Amy L. Perry Mercier is an attorney with an office located in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. She is a graduate of Albany Law School of Union University. She is licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New York. Her office is located on the 3rd Floor of the Beacon Complex in Downtown Pittsfield.
Contact her for a free consultation to assist you in matters including:
- Estate Planning, including drafting Wills and Trusts
- Estate Administration, including Probate and Intestate Administration
- Estate Tax
- Elder Law
- Guardianships
- Residential and Commercial Real Estate
- Corporations
- Tax Law
- Care and Protections and representing individuals in DCF matters
Law Office of Amy L. Perry Mercier, 55 North Street, Suite 305 & 306, Pittsfield, MA 01201
Telephone: (413) 499-2025; Facsimile: (413) 403-6290